
Knoxville Raceway joins Team Alyssa

Knoxville Raceway joins Team Alyssa
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Knoxville Raceway joins Team Alyssa

Knoxville Raceway and Bronson Maeschen are just two of the supporters of an upcoming benefit for an 8-year-old Pleasantville girl who is recovering from brain tumor surgery. Alyssa Scheve found out last weekend that one of her hometown sprint car racers was racing in her honor. Bronson Maeschen has Team Alyssa decals on his wings to show his support for Alyssa during her long road to recovery.

“I’ve never met the girl but I can’t imagine what her family has been through over the last month, he says. “It’s pretty cool to see the whole town come together to help this family.” Alyssa and her big brother even spotted the #96 car at the car wash after last weekend’s race.

The Pleasantville community is organizing a benefit for Alyssa to be held July 4th in Pleasantville, Iowa. The benefit is being held to help alleviate some of the stress during this trying time. Included in the silent auction are Knoxville Raceway tickets for the 360 and 410 Nationals as well as Late Models. Bronson Maeschen donated a side panel of a wing from a nasty wreck in Burlington earlier this month during the Outlaw race.

Schedule of events-

11 am Parade-

Hope to have Alyssa and her family in the parade as honorary Grand Marshall

Parade until fireworks--50/50 tickets for sale…winner announced before fireworks.

1pm Pleasantville Star Spangled Squad performs at High School.

2-5pm Kids events at the park- Dunk Tank, water balloon wars, wack-a-poolza, cupcake walk, kid games, root beer floats.

3 pm- Bags tourney in the Park $5 entry- one for kids, one for adults

2-8pm- Silent Auction at the High School Cafeteria

5-8pm- Hog Roast for first 1000 people at Softball Concession Stand, free will donation.


Includes: Team Alyssa Drag Show)-guys in prom dresses going around and solicit money during the meal, whoever collects the most money wins.

Country Artists Jason Brown and Chad Sutter perform until Fireworks.

8pm- Announce winners of silent auction items and last call for 50/50 tickets

Dusk-Fireworks at the Park—Presented by Pleasantville Emergency Services