
Tire Rules

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Knoxville Tire Rule reminder for the weekend of June 20, 21st 2008

The tire rules for the ASCoT race will be the same as the Knoxville weekly shows.

The ASCS right rear spec tire and approved left rears, Hoosier D12 or harder, Good Year (new) 50, 100 or harder, American Racer 30 or harder. This will also be the tire rule for the 360 Arnold Motors Nationals.

For the 410 show on June 21st, 410’s will be required to run the Hoosier 25c spec tire. This will be for one week only.

The tire rule for the 410 Super Clean Nationals will be the Hoosier sc 15 or harder on the right rear and the above approved left rear tires.